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Neo-Sonic Godspeed

Of course I remember the famous Sonic.


"I guess I remember the famous Sonic."
zagruzit.com Editor: I'm sure the famous Sonic, he has brought many achievements for the Sega Megadrive I remember the blue hedgehog. Neo-Sonic Godspeed, not an official game, such as the Shadow Saga and other heroes of our return, look at who can play.

Is a bit difficult to control, only to come under criticism about this is only part of the game. Search in despair or in which frustration.neo keyboard is managed 6 DVD

FACTS: NS3R, this
+ Aside from maybe "C" key, to jump to find there may be a shadow game can be played for the first Manicteam.
+ This is a new trilogy, the NS will be the first ET.
+ First game where one of the fan-character Manicteam is used.
+ New Sonic fan a completely new game engine. Neo-Sonic Godspeed 1.2 you can free download now
+ Sonic dx.

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